K-3 Screener

Dear Parents,

We want to share important details about the new state-required Arkansas ATLAS K-3 screeners, which will assess early literacy skills (K-3) and math skills (K-2). These screeners aim to identify your child’s strengths and areas where they may need additional support. The screener results will indicate whether students are at risk or not at risk for being able to access grade-level instruction. 

If the screener indicates that your child needs extra help in reading, we will develop an Individual Reading Plan (IRP). This personalized plan will outline targeted strategies and resources to support your child's reading development. We will keep you informed every step of the way and provide resources to help reinforce these skills at home.

The window for these required state assessments opened on August 28.  Cherokee Elementary School plans to begin administering the screeners in small group settings on Tuesday, September 3.  The window closes on September 27.  All students must complete testing by that date.

Scores are expected to be released in early October. At that time, we will provide more information on how parents can log in to the ATLAS Parent Portal to view your child’s results.