Students in Mrs. Hennessey's class getting ready for the Bake Sale. Make sure to place your orders!!!!!!
Abby Dietsche signed a letter of intent today to play College Basketball at Pittsburgh State. Congratulations Abby!!!
Mrs. Floyd and Mr. Hemme spoke to 9th and 10th Grade Students today about Bullying. Treating other people with respect and having empathy were major points of the message. Thank you for sharing with our students.
Taps was performed today at the Veterans Day Ceremony by Drew Grove. Drew did an outstanding job!!!
The High School Choir led by Mr. Greg Self performed the Star Spangled Banner today during the Veterans Day Ceremony. It was fantastic!!!! Great job HS Choir and Mr. Self.
Veterans Day Ceremony was held at HHS today. Richard Sackett, USA Ret. Commander and Ann Halligan, US Army Ret. spoke to the crowd.
Progress Reports go out at the High School on November 15.
In Honor of Veterans Day on November 11, we would like to salute our staff members who have served in the Military. Thank you for your service to our country.
Becky Vandervort, Scott Brewer
In Honor of Veterans Day on November 11, we would like to salute our staff members who have served in the Military. Thank you for your service to our country.
Shannon Powell, Robin Ramsdell, Jeremiah MacDonald, Melissa Richie.
The next ACT test will be given on December 14. Late Registration is due by Nov. 22. See Mrs. Mahaffey for details.
Veterans Day Ceremony on Monday, November 11 at 10:00 am in the High School Gym.
Mrs. Dewana McIntosh received the Arkansas Art Educator's Secondary Art Teacher of the Year. Congratulations
Don't forget the HHS Beta Game Night. Tonight, Nov. 11. 3:30-7:30 pm in the HS Cafe.
HHS Library Honors our Veterans by encouraging students to read about true events.
HHS Blood Drive. Organized by Nurse Nancy French
HHS Beta will host a Game Night on Thursday, November 7. High School Cafe. 3:30-7:30 pm
Blood Drive this week. Tuesday, November 5. High School Library. 8:00 am
The next ACT test will be December 14. Register by November 8. Late Registration by November 22. See Mrs. Mahaffey for details.
This week the Faculty spotlight is on Mrs. Linda Newman. Mrs. Newman teaches Geometry at HHS. Thank you Mrs. Newman for all you do for the students at HHS.
Paul Vitale spoke at HHS today. Mr. Vitale spoke about: Dare to dream, Choose challenge over comfort, Dwell on what you have, not what you don't, Be resilient.