Thank you to our High School Custodial Staff. They do such a wonderful job of keeping our school running. We really appreciate you. Happy Custodians Day!!!!
The Rebel Rowdies showed up in character theme on Tuesday to cheer on the Lady Rebel Volleyball Team.
Flu Clinic. Keeping our Rebels Healthy! Thank you Nurses and Area Health Care workers.
Congratulations to Carter Brewer, Toby Gotte and Molly McBryde. They qualified for the 4A state tournament.
Way to go!!!!
Highland students and faculty attended the Elaine Massacre Memorial Dedication Ceremony today. They were able to visit with V.L.Cox who's work is on display there.
Reminder that the Flu Clinic will be on Tuesday, Oct. 1. Please make sure to bring forms. See Nurse Nancy for details.
Homecoming was Friday, September 27. It was a huge success. Thank you to everyone who worked so hard on the event. It was so good to see all the Rebel Pride!!!!
Good luck in the Golf State Tournament. Keylee Circle, Tressie Carter and Austin Circle.
Outdoor Pep Rally!!!! Lets go Rebels!!!!
Bonfire!!!! Students,faculty and community coming together to support the Rebels. Thanks to Mr. Sharp, Highland Police and Fire.
Congratulations to these new National Honor Society Members!!!!
Mrs. McIntosh teaches her Art students 1pt. perspective during a mobile class today.
HHS movie characters!!!
Homecoming week. Mrs. Cruella De Vil and a Dalmatian showed up!!!!!
Oct. 11 will be the end of the 1st qt. Parent/Teacher Conferences will be Oct. 17. 1:30 pm-7:30 pm
Flu clinic. The annual Flu Clinic will be Oct. 1. Come by the office or see Nurse Nancy for forms.
The next ACT Test will be given on Oct. 26. Registration due by Sept. 20. Late Registration by Oct. 4. See Mrs. Mahaffey for details.
Homecoming Week!!!! Get involved with all the fun Student Council Activities. Homecoming court will be presented at 6:30 pm on Friday at Rebel Memorial Field.
HHS students participate in Gaming Club after school once per week. Thank you Mr. Dombkowski for sponsoring this activity.
Congratulations to these students for being selected Students of the Month in their grade. Mr. Hemme recognized these students at the Awards Day on Wednesday.