Thank you to our High School Custodial Staff. They do such a wonderful job of keeping our school running. We really appreciate you. Happy Custodians Day!!!!
over 5 years ago, Jeremy Lewis
The Rebel Rowdies showed up in character theme on Tuesday to cheer on the Lady Rebel Volleyball Team.
over 5 years ago, Jeremy Lewis
Flu Clinic. Keeping our Rebels Healthy! Thank you Nurses and Area Health Care workers.
over 5 years ago, Jeremy Lewis
Congratulations to Carter Brewer, Toby Gotte and Molly McBryde. They qualified for the 4A state tournament. Way to go!!!!
over 5 years ago, Jeremy Lewis
Highland students and faculty attended the Elaine Massacre Memorial Dedication Ceremony today. They were able to visit with V.L.Cox who's work is on display there.
over 5 years ago, Jeremy Lewis
Reminder that the Flu Clinic will be on Tuesday, Oct. 1. Please make sure to bring forms. See Nurse Nancy for details.
over 5 years ago, Jeremy Lewis
Homecoming was Friday, September 27. It was a huge success. Thank you to everyone who worked so hard on the event. It was so good to see all the Rebel Pride!!!!
over 5 years ago, Jeremy Lewis
Good luck in the Golf State Tournament. Keylee Circle, Tressie Carter and Austin Circle.
over 5 years ago, Jeremy Lewis
Outdoor Pep Rally!!!! Lets go Rebels!!!!
over 5 years ago, Jeremy Lewis
Bonfire!!!! Students,faculty and community coming together to support the Rebels. Thanks to Mr. Sharp, Highland Police and Fire.
over 5 years ago, Jeremy Lewis
Congratulations to these new National Honor Society Members!!!!
over 5 years ago, Jeremy Lewis
Mrs. McIntosh teaches her Art students 1pt. perspective during a mobile class today. #EmpowerAllToAchieve
over 5 years ago, Jeremy Lewis
HHS movie characters!!!
over 5 years ago, Jeremy Lewis
Homecoming week. Mrs. Cruella De Vil and a Dalmatian showed up!!!!!
over 5 years ago, Jeremy Lewis
Oct. 11 will be the end of the 1st qt. Parent/Teacher Conferences will be Oct. 17. 1:30 pm-7:30 pm
over 5 years ago, Jeremy Lewis
Flu clinic. The annual Flu Clinic will be Oct. 1. Come by the office or see Nurse Nancy for forms.
over 5 years ago, Jeremy Lewis
The next ACT Test will be given on Oct. 26. Registration due by Sept. 20. Late Registration by Oct. 4. See Mrs. Mahaffey for details.
over 5 years ago, Jeremy Lewis
Homecoming Week!!!! Get involved with all the fun Student Council Activities. Homecoming court will be presented at 6:30 pm on Friday at Rebel Memorial Field. #reviveourpride
over 5 years ago, Jeremy Lewis
HHS students participate in Gaming Club after school once per week. Thank you Mr. Dombkowski for sponsoring this activity. #EmpowerAllToAchieve
over 5 years ago, Jeremy Lewis
Congratulations to these students for being selected Students of the Month in their grade. Mr. Hemme recognized these students at the Awards Day on Wednesday. #EmpowerAllToAchieve
over 5 years ago, Jeremy Lewis